Vb6 Serial Port Sniffer Source Code
Jun 26, 2014 Download Serial line sniffer for free. Serial line sniffer (slsnif). Slsnif is a serial port logging utility. Serial line sniffer (slsnif). Slsnif is a serial port logging utility. It listens to the specified serial port and logs all data going through this port in both directions. And after changing just two lines of code I.
YDLU 15-Jul-16 6:08 15-Jul-16 6:08 Hi: In module 'UpdateBaudRateCollection' of SerialPortManager.cs, where the property or field of 'dwSettableBaud' and 'commProp' come from? So, dump all of fields using following debugging code: _serialPort.GetType().GetField(BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Instance).ToList().ForEach(f =>Kvn kazaksha tanistiru. Debug.WriteLine(f.Name)); None of those field on 'SerialPort'? Could you help us, how you add those fields into 'SerialPort'?
Thanks Lu Found answer, COMMPROP structure. Listed dwSettableBaud. So, with RS232, you must know the settings you need to talk to the other device, RS232 is a wire / voltage standard with a set of options. Thus if you have the wrong port speed, number of data bits or stop bits or anything else set wrong, then the data is and should be giberish. There are also many devices that communicate as bytes of data (not human readable anyways) so it's something you have to do some research on. Most use 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no flow control, and then you just have to guess the speed. I just setup a scale that uses 7 data bits, 1 stop bit at 9600 bps.
The manual said 8 data bits (manuals can be wrong) Hope this helps. Member 12363554 2-Mar-16 22:00 2-Mar-16 22:00 Hi, i'm trying to use this app to receive data from a bluetooth device but no data received, it looks like some configuration is missed because the bluetooth protocol of the device: Bluetooth protocol of the device: - baudRate = 38400 - dataBits = 8 - Parity = None - stopBits = 1 1/ the App send 'P' to the device => bluetooth connexion established ( P is a command ) 2/ the device send the data then 'R' ( 12 block of data ) 3/ the App close with 'F' the question is how to send command to the device ( its the only way to receive data ). Any idea please?? I am also not getting any data coming through the monitor. I tried running through visual studio 2013 in both debug and compiling a build version. I am using windows 8.1 for the test pc.
The device I am sending the data from is a arduino on COM5 at 9600 baud. From my understanding the settings for the arduino are: Baud Rate: 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: none Stop Bits: one edit: Also, when I run the program through VS as either debug or release, the program will pop up with the fields populated including the correct COM5 port selected but wont do anything. When I try to open the program directly from the debug folder, I can see the process running in task manager but the GUI never comes up. Edit2: I also tried using the precompiled one you have available and that one has the same issue as in the first edit.
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