Uchebnik Dizajn Interjera

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To the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia REZEKNE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION FACULTY OF PEDAGOGY HOME CULTURE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2 nd level professional higher education Bachelor’s degree study programme Interior design CODE 42214 Address of the Faculty of Pedagogy, RHEI: Atbrīvošanas aleja, 115 Rēzekne, LV-4600, Latvia Phone: + 371 6 4622679 Responsible for preparation of accreditation materials of the study programme: director Mg. Lecturer D.Apele Acceptance of the programme “Interior design” for accreditation: Chairwoman of the Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy, RHEI, Dr.
Passionately following his design philosophy that refuses to agree to architecture the purpose of which is lost in itself, Jugoslav Janjic has succeeded in maintaining the team's clarity of focus in all the projects regardless of their scale. An unrelenting determination and a history in professional sport has taught him to look at every challenge as an opportunity. Through the career now spanning three decades, he has gained strategic vision that has allowed him to position D/A as one of the key figures in Serbian architecture and a company able to answer any demand, both locally and internationally. Graduated from University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Architecture in March 2006.
She has been working in D.A. Dizajn Arhitektura since August 2006 as a licensed architect of major projects, project coordinator and co-author of various types of facilities- shopping malls, family villas, hotels, offices, training facilities, sports facilities, gas stations, reconstruction of the airport. She has a special interest in energy-efficient architecture and design of light in architecture.
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She has Certificate for Energy Efficiency of the buildings, within Professional Association Serbian Chamber of Engineers. “Architecture is a joyful and bright shade of human life,” Ranko Radovic.