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OCR Accuracy and Layout Retention Enhanced Recognition Accuracy The FineReader 11 delivers up to 99.8% recognition accuracy Document Layout Retention Retains almost all document layout elements, such as charts, diagrams, text columns, images, tables, and more Multilingual Document Recognition Process documents with any combination of the 189 supported languages. Multi-Page Document Reconstruction Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (ADRT) To preserve the structure of the original, ABBYY ADRT analyzes and processes each multi-page document as a single entity, rather than as a batch of independent pages. This enables the reconstruction of formatting elements, such as hierarchic heading structures, table of contents, headers, footers, vertical headers, page numbering, footnotes, fonts, font styles, image captions, table captions, diagram captions, logical text flow, and margin notes Accurate Recognition of Magazine-Style Pages The FineReader 11 provides automatic and accurate conversion of complex page images with integrated text. You can manually mark text areas for efficient processing of documents with background graphics Table Structure Recreation The FineReader 11 can accurately recognize and recreate tables and spreadsheets, including multi-page tables, that are fully editable in Microsoft Excel Other Features • Recreation of bullet points and numbering • Retention of Hyperlinks.
Efficiency & Productivity Custom Tasks Create and add your most common conversion tasks to the FineReader 11 start screen for easy access and automated processing Task Sharing Share custom tasks among members of a workgroup Hot Folder & Scheduling Allows users to designate a folder location on a local drive, network drive, FTP server or a mailbox to be monitored by FineReader 11, which will automatically process any file placed in the specified location. Users can run, stop, and delete several selected tasks in the Hot Folder simultaneously, and schedule conversion for specific times Mailbox Watching Allows users to monitor input folders or schedule OCR processing. Camera OCR for Digital Photo Recognition Automatic Digital Photo Pre-Processing Automatically apply pre-processing functions on images captured with standard digital and smartphone cameras before recognition. These pre-processing functions include: • Detection of page orientation • Straightening curved text lines • Splitting dual pages • Deskewing • Correction of image resolution • 3D perspective distortion correction Manual Image Editing Tools • Splitting images into multiple pages • Rotate 90°, 180°, 270° • Crop • Invert • Correction of image resolution • ISO noise correction • Trapezium crop • Blurred images correction • Brightness • Contrast • Levels • Eraser.