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By: Phone: 513-556-1822 Now that you're an official Bearcat, it raises a few good questions: What the heck is a Bearcat? How did such a nickname get started? For the answers, we turn to Bearcats!
The Story of Basketball at the University of Cincinnati, a book by Kevin Grace, Greg Hand, Tom Hathaway, Carey Hoffman and Lisa Ventre, published by Harmony House (1997). The following is adapted from an appendix in the book. Pipe flow expert keygen download. The University of Cincinnati Bearcats were born on Oct. The occasion was a football game with the University of Kentucky, and four key ingredients flowed together to create the enduring and enigmatic mascot. • an opposing team nicknamed the 'Wildcats.' • a star UC player named Baehr. • a creative cheerleader.
• a talented cartoonist. Although no powerhouse throughout the 1900s (known as the 'Oughts') and the nineteen-teens, UC fielded respectable football teams with winning seasons against regional foes in six of the 10 years leading up to the big game.
Jackson's Mixed Martial Arts: The Stand Up Game [Greg Jackson, Kelly. Greg Jackson is the most accomplished and celebrated mixed martial arts coach in the world. Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.
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Kentucky was the fifth game of a nine-game schedule in 1914. Throughout four games in September and October, no one had managed to score against the Red & Black. Kentucky was the first real competition for Coach George Little's squad, and the students were eager for a good game. At this time, the UC team had no real nickname.
The teams were known variously as 'Varsity,' the 'Cincinnati Eleven,' the 'Red & Black' and the coach's 'boys,' as in 'Dana's Boys' or 'Little's Boys.' Mascots were uncommon among college football teams back then, and UC had no mascot, although a curious bulldog, clad in a 'C' sweater and miniature hat, was depicted throughout the athletic sections of the yearbooks. A new era was born when Kentucky came to town. The Wildcats were a formidable team and UC was struggling. During the second half of the game, cheerleader Norman 'Pat' Lyon, building on the efforts of fullback Leonard K.
'Teddy' Baehr, created a new chant: 'They may be Wildcats, but we have a Baehr-cat on our side.' Cincinnati prevailed, 14-7, and the victory was memorialized Nov. 3 in a cartoon published on the front page of the student newspaper, the weekly University News. The cartoon, by John “Paddy” Reece, depicted nine vignettes from the game. Front and center is a bedraggled Kentucky Wildcat being chased by a creature labeled “Cincinnati Bear Cats.” Reece was certainly inspired by his editor. The same “Pat” Lyon who led the “Baehr-cat” cheer was also the editor of the University News. The name stuck eventually, but not immediately.
When the students published the yearbook for 1915, they included a mock-epic poem, 'The Kentucky State Wildcats vs. The Cincinnati Bearcats,' which ended: At last outplayed, outtricked, Outrun, outpassed, outkicked, Bearcat had Wildcat licked Fourteen to seven. 'Teddy' Baehr graduated in 1916, and the Bearcat nickname dropped out of use - at least in print - for a few years. 15, 1919, UC met Tennessee in Knoxville, and the Cincinnati Enquirer sent Jack Ryder (who usually reported on the Cincinnati Reds) to cover the event. Ryder's dispatch on UC's losing game, published on Nov. 16, was the first time the major media called UC's team the 'Bearcats.'