Chemstation Free Download


Our technical service department receives quite a few MSD ChemStation software functionality related requests which are frequently forwarded to me. I’ve decided to start a blog series to address these requests. Feel free to leave requests in the comments if there’s something you need help with.

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I will primarily be working in the most current version of MSD ChemStation that I have: G1701EA.02.02, though I can offer help with AA.03, BA.00, and various DA and EA versions of the software. Be forewarned; my experience is limited to Enviroquant and Enhanced ChemStation. The first request I’m going to address is how to add or change internal standard and surrogate compounds in a calibration using Enviroquant and Enhanced Chemstation, and how to configure the software to automatically calculate concentrations and surrogate percent recoveries using the internal standards. I will be using the 524.3 list as an example. This technique is particularly useful if your lab is expanding the tests offered from hazardous waste (series 8000 methods) to waste water (series 600).

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Your compound lists and analytical columns will see little to no change, but your internal standard and surrogate compounds may be different. The technique is also useful if you are converting an external standard calibration to an internal standard calibration (for example, 8081) to avoid the closing calibration verification requirements. Table 4 on page 35 of EPA Method 524.3 lists the target compounds, the internal standard compound each is associated with, and a recommended quant ion. The recommended column for this analysis is the 30m x 0.25mm x 1.4µm Rtx-VMS. If you use these conditions, you should be able to match your compound list to the published elution order and retention times.

The easiest way to reorganize the compound list is in Enhanced ChemStation under the “Calibrate” menu. If your compound list does not contain the correct internal standards, or they are not configured as internal standards, you will need to use the Edit Compounds option found under the Calibrate menu in Enhanced ChemStation (or Initial Calibration menu in Enviroquant) to add them. If you don’t have any configured internal standards, your quant database should look similar to the image above.

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