Catz 5 Toyz Downloads


Untitled Document TOYZ TOYZ The toyz for downlad on this page are for Petz 5 only. To download click on the name of the toy and save the file to your computer. Tugilgan kun tabrik suzlari.

For extra stability I added two more bands after that (the other yellow and the red one), this keeps the sensor straigt on the y axis (causing less tearing), but in the x axis it's tilted to the left, so it is pretty much centered. Logitech formula vibration feedback wheel driver windows 7. Also, the twisted yellow band is between the other two!

Petz 3/Petz 4 overwriting breeds and selective breeds. Carolyn's Creations Lots of downloads! Breeds, clothes, toys, playscenes for Petz 3, 4, 5. These are for Petz 5 only. I have only dabbled in hexing clothes, so don't expect gold. They look like the pictures though. Clothes need to be unzipped into the Resource/Clothes folder. Toyz need to be unzipped into Resource/Toyz. For overwriting files, make sure to save your original somewhere before unzipping.

To extract the toy into your game, first close Petz 5. Then double click on the downladed file, a screen will pop up asking if you would like to extract the toy into your Toyz folder: type Y then hit enter key. Your new toy will now be accessible from the supply case in your Petz 5 game. Many thanks to Nicholas Sherlock for this wonderful extracting programme.

Many of the toyz on this page were made using his fabulous Tinker Toy Editor, which is available for download from. If you had problems getting the toyz into your game from APKC Archive site download these new files and replace them in your petz game. Please do not put any of these toyz for download on another website - Thank you.

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