Browning Model 1900 Serial Numbers


This is a discussion on FN Browning 1900.32 pistol / Production Dates / Value / General Info within the FN FNX forums. Browning 1900 serial numbers. The original FN Browning pistol was simply known as le Pistolet Browning, or the Browning Pistol. Nov 09, 2012  browning 1900 serial numbers, browning fn 1900, browning fn 1900 parts, fn 1900 for sale, fn 1900 magazine for sale, fn 1900 pistol for sale. Fn browning m1900 for sale, fn browning model 1900 serial numbers, gun parts for an fn 1900.32 automatic, www.browning 1932 pocket pistol. Click on a term to search for related topics.

'To restore or not restore, that is the question.' The finish on that 100 year old pistol looks to be pretty good. I would leave it be. I once refinished a 1908 Colt (.380) that was rusty and pitted and had doubts about doing that.

That said, I am pleased with the results and I think many would have a hard time discerning if it was refinished without a close inspection. I did not chase out all the pitting. Collectors want original finish. Somewhre I have a copy from a gun magazine about refinishing or restoring. A salty old Colt SAA with plenty of wear tells a certain story. A refinished or restored SAA does not have any story other than it was refinished.

Sorry, I didn't look at the photo's close enough. This is off another site on the web and should give you an idea of the year of production. It's not exact but should help get you close. 1900-1901 10,000 FN 1900 pistols serial # 1 to 10,000 1901-1902 21,700 pistols produced 10,001 to 31,700 1902- 1903 40,000 produced serial # 31,701 to 71,700 Aug 4, 1904 serial number 100,000 1903-1907 328,300 produced serial # 71,701 to 400,000 1907-1910 275,000 produced serial # 400,001 to 675,000 1910-1914 49,550 produced serial # 675,000 to 724,550.

Browning model 1900 for sale

I sold a model 1900 with the stock, both mags and cleaning rod (all matching numbers, if I remember correctly only one mag was numbered but the rod and long mag were numbered). One scratch otherwise 98%+. Sold it to a guy from Illinois who was at the little Michigan farm town gun show. Kind of miss the rig but it paid for part of my wedding back in 2001, still married so making some correct decisions. (I kept the KU luger that came with the Browning, still one of my prized possesions. Both came back with the same vet, he died and the family sold them.

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In retrospect I would have asked for more of the vets details to help with the KU story) Jim.

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