Ak 47 Serial Numbers Romanian7890823
May 06, 2010 I have never seen any serial number data for preban AK's. Since they were imported from at least (3) different countries, during the mid to late 80's time frame. Mostly by different companies that are now out of business, you might have a hard time obtaining them. Jul 09, 2011 I've owned several Poly Tech AK's in the past and the date was within the serial number. My first AK was an Poly Tech AK-47/S Legend i bought in 1986. Checking manufacture date on a Polytech AK? AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry.
Hi folks, I've just joined but have lurked and enjoyed your group for some time. Anyway, I have read on this site and others-(linx310s--great site too btw)-that the last two digits in the serial # of a WASR-10 represents the year it was made. Well, I picked up a 'NEW' WASR-10 at my little, old local shop last Saturday and the serial number on the gun AND paperwork is AK-3995-81.(EIGHTY-one).
On the left side of the receiver reads from top to bottom exactly:: AK-3995-81 GP WASR-10 Cal. Easy peasy chinese pdf magazine. 7.62x39mm ********************* On the right side of the rifle is:: Made By Romarms/SA/CUGIR IN ROMANIA IMPORTED CA.GEORGIA.VT. **************************** Wassup guys? Is my gun mis-stamped? Any help would be appreciated.Sonny.
I've never seen an imported Romanian AK with the serial number on the receiver yet, always on the trunnion. Haven't really inspected many WASRs, though. But also from linx310's site which you must have overlooked. One notable feature about the late 2005 - present models of WASRs is that they are being constructed from part-kits de-milled from Real Romanian AKMs (unissued) produced in the late 70s to mid 80s. The barrel and trunnion (if that is what you see the serial number on) could be from old demilled AKs that were made for the Romanian military and rebuilt on a WASR receiver. This would explain the serial number with the Romanian AK date stamp on the trunnion.
How about some pictures? The SAR rifles I have seen had the last four digits of the serial number on the trunnion marked with the entire year XXXXXX-2000 etc. The Romanian G kits which were military rifles marked with the last two digits on the trunnion for the serial number denoting year.
Serial numbers (usually just the last 4 digits) on most AK variants ( please don't call your rifle an AK47 because it is actually closer to an AKM, but then again most people don't care so just ignore this ) can be found on the bolt, bolt carrier, some have the recoil locking device, some on the receiver cover, and some on the gas tube. The wire temporada 2 completa espa ol. You should find the last four digits on the bolt and carrier. The other listed parts usually are on all Romanians but every now and then you will find one slightly different. WASR is just one of many names the Romanians used on their rifles. Currently there are many WASR variations, but all started life being imported only able to use ATF approved single stack mags.
They are then modified by the importer to use standard AK mags and further modified to the sporting purpose clause of the new second amendment. Oh, and WASR does translate to Wassenaar Agreement Semi-automatic Rifle.