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The purpose of this paper is to represent the application of rehabilitation technologies for rehabilitation for people with motor disorders. Assistive technology refers to a variety of devices and services related to their use aimed at helping persons with disabilities and special education/rehabilitation needs to function better within their daily context and achieve independence and a higher. Uticaj organskih inhibitora na koroziono po našanje mesinga u rastvoru natrijum-sulfata Rezime: U ovom radu ispitivano je elektrohemijsko ponašanje mesinga u neutralnom i alkalnom rastvoru natrijum sulfata kao i uticaj cisteina, purina, 2-aminotiazola i 2-amino-5-etil. Ratchet o rabote vracha anesteziologa reanimatologa visshej kategoria. Oddelni momenti od ekologijata na ohridskata belvica. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia 277 na pogolem broj na dol`inski klasi mo`e da se pretpostavi deka e rezultat na po{irokata raznovidnost po odnos na dimenziite na ok-cata na upotrebeniot riboloven alat (so opseg od 18-26 mm). Voedno, mesec dekemvri e.